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Magi特选 | 看卡由学启蒙英语

发布时间:2020-11-29 16:00 来源:未知 次数:


卡由的创造者是法国家喻户晓的心理学家和儿科医生多尔多(Françoise Dolto)博士,她倡导的“将孩子视为平等的人,给予尊重”。而“卡由”则是她一生研究成果最生活化的精华呈现。

Caillou was created by Dr. Francoise Dolto, a well-known French psychologist and pediatrician who advocates treating children as equals and respecting them. ' But "caillou" is the most life-like presentation of her lifetime research results. 

Article introduction


CAILLOU  series animation.It’s a famous children’s series on PBS(public broadcasting service).The program is aimed at preschool children and is very popular with children.



The main character, Caillou, is a four-year−old boy with a bald head (It  means small stone or pebble in  French). The series is about his life with his 2-year−old sister (Rosie), his kitten (Gilbert) and his family and children. He lives with his parents and sister in a blue house at 17  Pine Street. He has experienced many adventures with his family and friends, and has fully used his imagination in each episode.



These are the "little things" in children’s lives, or what most children experience, that make them feel close and relaxed.

Content introduction


《卡由》(Caillou)这一系列是美音动画片里非常适合做启蒙的动画片,这个系列共约50集,每集又分成不相关的4小集每小集5分钟,讲的是兄妹俩和父母的日常琐事,选材和Peppa Pig有些像,但这个主人公是人,Peppa是小猪。4岁哥哥卡由和2岁妹妹Rosy的故事,对于家庭教育非常有借鉴意义。在陪孩子看的过程中,大人也学会不少西方家庭教育的理念和方式方法。

"Caillou" is a series of about 50 episodes, divided into four unrelated, five-minute episodes about the daily trivia of brother and sister and their parents. The material is similar to Peppa Pig, but the protagonist is a person and Peppa is a Pig. The story of my brother  Caillou,4 years old,and his sister Rosy,2 years   old, is very instructive for family education. In the process of accompanying children to watch, adults also learn a lot of western family education concepts and methods. 


The caillou series has been well received, and the author is a child psychologist.


Why are caillou  series  so popular?

Child psychology


First, the depiction of children’s hearts in the caillou series is sensitive and accurate. This series accurately depicts the two different stages of childhood. Not only is the four-year-old caillou  properly depicted in the heart, but also the psychology of his two-year−old sister. It’s the  real work of a child psychologist.


Secondly, the story unfolds in a gentle, peaceful, ordinary way, that is, not out of touch with our environment. This is very different from the current popular storyline, although it is exciting.


Thirdly, perhaps it  is not peculiar to this series.That  is about the depict of parents also let a person find everything new and fresh, discarding  the traditional dualism, the father’s role on behalf of the smooth career, and the mother’s role is the holy family guardian,  parents with human nature ,in  order to change more, they have their own entertainment, they  need  to   look for a  temporary nanny to attend the party.



The card series seems plain but let the children can deeply experience the little drops of happiness and pain in children’s growth, fully let the children have a sense of substitution.



This classic series of American English pronunciation animations produced by PBS depicts “Caillou”,He experienced the joys and sorrows that all children would experience.He is sensitive and accurate in his depiction of children's mind. He can not only bring his children to face the happiness and annoyance of growth together but  also teach more adults how to get closer to their children's hearts.


When it comes to English, this series is also very life-like, it is American English.On the content is basically about daily life, They are very appropriate for children to accumulate life language and scenes .



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